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Fishing spot | Fynshoved
There is deep water close to the shore. The bottom of the sea is with big stones, sand and seaweed. Garfish can be caught from the end of May. Cod fishing is good the hole year, except the summertime. Flatfish is caught on the sand bottom. Fyns Hoved is known for its many beautiful sea trout’s. The herring fishing take place from boat out of Fyns Hoved.
Driving directions:
By road 165 (Odense-Kerteminde) you drive towards Kerteminde. Go direct through Munkebo. Briefly after Munkebo at Drigstrup turn left towards Mesinge/Dalby/Martofte. Continue to Nordskov. Pass through Nordskov and follow the road all the way out to Fyns Hoved.
In Denmark, fishing permits are obligatory.