Kerteminde Church (St. Laurentii Church)
Kerteminde Church (St. Laurentii Church)
Is centrally located in Kerteminde town
You find the Sct. Laurentius Church in the middle of the market place in Kerteminde. The church is a three-aisled long-house linked under one enormous roof. Traditionally said to have been built in 1476.
The chuch was greatly altered in the 1600'es, when a vault was added and the furnishing was renewed. In the south chancel there is a chapel for the Iuel family, abouve which there are memory tablets for two of the parsons of the church. You find a pair of riding boots and a sword dated from the time of the Swedish Wars.
Opening hours at Kerteminde Church
From April 1st – October 31st
Tuesday – Saturday – 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Sunday – Closes after the service
From November 1st – March 31st
Tuesday – Saturday – 8:00 AM – 4:00 PM
Sunday – Closes after the service