On the outskirts of Kerteminde City, lays Sybergland, where hiking, nature, and shelters are readily available for anyone to enjoy.
If you like nature, the fresh air and outdoor life, you will love Sybergland. Eat lunch at one of the many benches in the area, take the school class with you and hold classes in the new learning environments, or spend the night in a shelter.
For you and for nature
There is public access everywhere in Sybergland. Sybergland is divided into a recreational area with good paths, bonfire and shelter area and a nature area with fresh meadows, where nature must be allowed to develop. A newly created lake gives life to both areas.
There is access to the nature area via folding gates, but there are no established paths. You must be aware that there are cattle grazing in the natural area.
Practical footwear is recommended if you want to enter the nature area. Everywhere in Sybergland, dogs must be on a leash.
Parking can be done at Gedskovvej 50, 5300 Kerteminde.
The story behind Sybergland
Sybergland is a re-established natural area, which until 2012 was an area operated as traditional agricultural land.
For many years, Kerteminde Municipality has had a desire to recreate a recreational nature area close to the city. In 2012, the municipality took over this 72 ha area, and today Sybergland is ready to use and enjoy.
The area is named after one of the great Fynbo painters, Fritz Syberg (1862-1939), who lived in Over Kærby and who found great inspiration for his paintings in the hilly landscape around the town.
Tårup Strand – from fjord to cornfield
Sybergland is a central part of Tårup Dammed Strand, which was a fjord arm to Odense Fjord before it was dammed in 1812.
Originally, the area was a shallow fjord that ran between Hindsholm and Funen. In 1812, the area was dammed so that the area could be cultivated. For the first several years there were fresh meadows and cattle grazing in the summer. This meant that there was a rich plant and bird life and lots of motifs for e.g. for the painters Fritz Syberg and Johannes Larsen.
In the mid-1920s, pumps had been developed so efficient that Tårup Strand could be completely drained, and now grain could be grown here. As a result, the meadow and wader birds disappeared. It is the "old" English landscape from before 1926 that has been the inspiration when Sybergland had to be formed.
Download a leaflet about Sybergland