Angler de luxe
Kerteminde offers some of the most varied and challenging fishing experiences in Denmark.
You can fish all year round and, with an impressive nine official fishing spots at the destination, there is plenty to choose from.
Fishing spot | Fynshoved
There is deep water close to the shore. The bottom of the sea is with big stones, sand and seaweed. Garfish can be caught from the end of May. Cod fishing is good the hole year, except the summertime....
Gabet - Lodshuse
There is deep water all the way into the shore. It is a stony beach with a strong current.
Driving directions:
By road 160 (Hjulby(Nyborg-Kerteminde)) towards Kerteminde. In Kerteminde follow the road t...
Midskov - Dalby Bugt
A varied coast distance about 6 kilometres long around Dalby Bugt. There are deep basins, stone, sand spots and different bottom vegetation. Wade carefully. Good seetrout’s fishing from March until wi...
Måle Strand
Good fishingspot. Good stony seashore with seaweed and good depth to the coast. About 1800 metres from Måle and south.
Driving directions
By road 160 (Hjulby(Nyborg-Kerteminde)) towards Kerteminde. In K...
See trout’s fishing in the area around the cliff. Which are about 1500 metres.
Driving directions
By road 160 (Hjulby(Nyborg-Kerteminde)) towards Kerteminde. In Kerteminde follow the road towards Mesing...
Good fishing spot with chances to catch big see trout’s. Especially in the summer, evening and night, can be profitable. To magnify the chances an east wind would be beneficial.
Driving directions
By ro...